Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wait didn't I blog about Nintendo?

Ugh, yea I did, so apparently Nintendo isn't satisfied with "only" having 3 highly successful handhelds still on the market, they have another one on the way in the "assault of the wallets" saga that 2010 is no doubt gonna bring towards its exit into 2011. Yup, another Ds is in the works, dubbed the Nintendo 3ds. 3D is apparently the new bandwagon and it looks as though Nintendo wants to be first out the gate with a gaming capable device.

I am a bit in awe however at Nintendos aggressive insertion into the handheld market this year, I mean come on, 4 handhelds on the market. It's overkill in my opinion, but in the same breath I can understand what Nintendog is doing, their securing their spot as the number 1 handheld provider. We all know who's taking home king of the portables for 2010 and the year is still young.

"Nintendo’s next portable game machine will be called “Nintendo 3DS” and feature 3-D graphics, the company said Tuesday morning. The Nintendo 3DS is a next-generation portable game machine, a successor to the current line of products. It will feature a 3-D display that does not require the use of glasses. It will be released in Japan before March 2011. Nintendo 3DS will be compatible with Nintendo DS and DSi software, the company said. Nintendo will reveal more information about 3DS at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles this June. Glasses-free 3-D technology has been around for a while in computer monitors, laptops and televisions, but hasn’t proven as popular as the kind that uses glasses. That’s because glasses-free 3-D uses a lenticular screen (it’s covered with an array of tiny vertical lenses) to direct different images to each eye. It works, but only if you hold your head in the right position. That’s a serious limitation for couch potatoes staring at a TV across the room, but would be no problem at all for a handheld game console. Nintendo’s longtime hardware partner Sharp will be manufacturing the new hardware and on March 28, Nintendo will release the latest (and apparently last) in the line of original DS players, the DSi XL, in the United States. Nintendo of America said Tuesday that it could not provide further comment on the Nintendo 3DS."

Here's to the next wave of gaming I guess.

Source: Wired 3ds <click here, I dare u.

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