Saturday, April 10, 2010


For anyone who knows me, knows I've never been much of an achiever at anything. Heck I didn't even get my Ged until I was 23. I was a slacker in every sense of the word, my life was a waiting game for handouts and slim chances. And u know what? For a long time, I was ok with that. See I was one of those troubled youths who lost his dad way before he even died, I felt the world owed me a big freaking appology, and since it didn't, I was a slouch about it. Didn't care about tomorrow, my future, my education, nothing. Those were my younger years, between 15 and 18. A lot of hurt, alot of pain and a whoooole lot of anger resided in these veins. But like I said, those were younger days, and with age should come maturity. In that prospective I became very mature once my 20's hit me. That and homelessness. I'm 25 now and I can tell u life is a bitch sumtimes.

Forgive me for the language, I don't even like to curse anymore, must be that whole maturity thing I mentioned. Anyway, it took me to lose all but my life to get it that I've made sum bad choices growning up. I mean don't get me wrong, everyone does, its apart of life. But man, I really was an underachiever. In school, in church, in bed with gf's, I was an underachiever. So sad I know. With all that, 2010 is my year to thrive. To live. To be great at everything that I do. I'm young, I'm verile. I have dreams and goals and desires that have yet to be met, but this is the year I achieve them and set my goals even higher. It's by the grace of God that I'm even still here after 2:34pm of last December on the day of the 21st. It's no mistake that I still am here. So with that, let's get it 2010, its me and u.

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